Friday, May 23, 2014

Truth About Cellulite Review - Treatment with leeches

Cellulite Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy) - Crucial role in the prevention of cellulite play measures to combat the main causes of cellulite. First, try to lead an active life as a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the emergence not only of cellulite, but also a number of other diseases.

Long walking, swimming pools are only preventing cellulite, but also enhance muscle tone and skin elasticity. Secondly, do not abuse smoking, alcohol, caffeine, etc. For example, free radicals, into the blood simultaneously with tobacco smoke, cause vascular spasms and destroy the cell structure Truth About Cellulite Review

Third, try to normalize your diet. Malnutrition, excessive use of fatty and high-calorie foods or complete rejection of food stimulates the metabolic disorder that leads to the appearance of cellulite. These simple measures will help to prevent the appearance of cellulite in principle. Cellulite during pregnancy - During the period of pregnancy on various systems of the body women is a profound negative impact that may be the cause of the appearance of cellulite.

During pregnancy with fetal growth occurs and the increase of the uterus that begins to put pressure on the veins and lymph nodes. Under this influence is slowing down the outflow of lymph and blood from the tissues and fluid accumulation begins, which serves for the development of cellulite on her stomach after birth, the function of body systems slowly recovering.

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